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#1 Real Estate
Marketing & Technology Solution

kvCORE Delivers what Others Can't

Join the more than 4,000 brokerages across the United States and Canada using kvCORE's all-in-one tech solution. 

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Differentiate Your Brand

We’re here to help you shine. We work collaboratively with our Enterprise partners to create a unique tech ecosystem that reinforces your brand, your culture, your operational practices.  Leverage our modern, flexible platform to create a technology solution that’s fully branded to you, deeply integrated into your tools & systems, customized to your unique needs, and seamlessly delivered to add value to your entire organization.  

Deepen Loyalty & Retention

Competition for top talent is more aggressive than ever before. Your team needs more than empty promises & a future roadmap to recruit experienced real estate agents and keep franchisees on board. We’ll help you win the recruiting & retention war with the most sought after and proven tech solution on the market. A platform that agents, teams and brokerage leaders LOVE to use, that drives productivity and profitability to keep your organization fiercely loyal for years to come.

Support High Scale Growth

You need to be agile to stay ahead in this real estate environment. Mergers, acquisitions, opening new markets, new offices, new models - you need a technology platform that can keep up! We power 5 of the largest, fastest growing real estate brands in North America, which means we have the architecture, resources and experience to power your business today and the flexibility to take you into your next chapter of growth.

"The kvCORE CRM platform tracks and watches consumer behavior, and then ENGAGES WITH THE CUSTOMER ON BEHALF OF THE AGENTS with timely and relevant information based on their behaviors."

Wendi Iglesias | CIO | The Keyes Company

Industry Leaders Who Rely on kvCORE

Or Call Our Team: (760) 209-1275